In what types of environments are your pieces usually installed and what is the installation process like?
My work has gone into everyplace from mountaintop gardens to inside homes, to courtyards and atriums in commercial, residential and public spaces. Installations are almost always challenging and the more confined the space, the bigger the challenge. Because the pieces are large and heavy, maneuvering one into the space and then setting it on its base can be really difficult. I have a special portable beam crane made of aluminum to make this easier, but it needs a certain amount of room to set it up. Actually, I don’t do installations any more, but work with a couple of professional installation companies who are much better than I ever was.

Do you believe that moving to the Sonoran Desert has influenced your work?
I am sure that it has, but I cannot point to anything specific. I do feel much freer here and all of the nature around me and the openness of the environment has certainly influenced me.

Why do you prefer stone/water sculptures over non-water sculpture?
I love the way that the water and stone together create something that's alive, that has movement and energy, and changes over time. In fact, I’ve only done one non-water piece in my entire career. Someday I might do dry sculpture, but I cant predict when.

Do you ever sculpt representational pieces?
Not really. The closest I get to representational is still pretty abstract, such as "The Blessing." I’m just not a representational kind of guy.

Where do your stones come from?
I deal with quarries, stone yards and stone importers all over the country.  The domestic stone I use comes tends to come from New Mexico, California, Colorado, Nevada, Texas, and New York.  A lot of the imported stone comes from Spain and Portugal, with a bit from Norway and Italy.

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